Verbindung Die letzten zwei Jahre bin ich recht tief eingetaucht in die Upanishaden, habe etwas Yoga praktiziert und mich mit dem System des Yoga ein wenig beschäftigt. Ich bin eingetaucht in den eigenen Körper, die eigenen Sinne, das eigene Bewusstsein. Habe gesehen, dass es eine große Zahl von Ebenen gibt und dass es keinerlei Grund […]
For several weeks now, I have been living with a neurotic dog. She barked a lot, as long as she still perceived me as a stranger. She kept her distance, was frightened. After a few weeks, she accepted me, approaches and wants to be petted. Now she lies in front of my door and keeps […]
Yesterday I had a long conversation about the origin of thought. What comes first, the words or the thoughts? Of course there are very different forms of thinking. A visual, musical, analytical, synthetic, performative thinking, etc… There is thinking on the level of intuition, there is thinking in memory, there is vision and inspiration. There […]
Discover the subtle differences between the German ‚werden‘, the English ‚becoming‘, and the French ‚devenir‘ in Deleuze’s postmodern thinking. Explore the world of sensations and consciousness in this philosophical journey.