
Experiencing a culture shock in Chicago after coming from India, where the ancient wisdom of the Vedas is still alive. Exploring the contrast between consciousness and matter, and the search for a place to dwell. Reflecting on the extremes and values of modernity in the USA.

World as Will

Many of my friends have a strong will, they are creative, create, make, act, do… They confront the world with their own will and add themselves or refuse to accept it as it is. This generates creativity, change. It is the power of Shakti, the creative energy of the universe. I am different, I observe, […]

Dance-Film Festival: Exploring the Manifestation of a New Genre in Pondicherry

Discover the transformative power of dance in the Dance-film Festival Manifest. Join us from July 28-30, 2023 at the Alliance Française in Pondicherry. Explore the intersection of dance and film with 40 captivating short films and live performances. Dive into the complexities of expression and experience the art of movement like never before. Don’t miss this unique event that challenges traditional genres and showcases the beauty of dance.

Sacred Spaces: Exploring Churches, Temples, and Spiritual Reflection

Explore the concept of sacred space and its manifestations in churches, temples, and spirituality across Europe, Egypt, and India. Discover the unique qualities and experiences each offers, from contemplation and silence in Catholic churches to the living tradition and activation of the holistic self in Indian temples. Temples, in particular, are seen as personal universities of life, reflecting a holistic knowledge that synthesizes various forms of existence and understanding.

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